Friday, 10 October 2014

Brown Sugar Lemon Curd

Summer has definitely come to an end, at least here in Ireland! We still had a few beautiful summer lemons floating around the bottom of the fridge, so I though I'd make a quick lemon curd that I could store and use on more Autumn/Winter suitable foods like porridge, but let's face it, most of it will go on making lemon bars and thumbprint biscuits! I adapted this from the Kitschy Kitchen recipe for Lemon Rosemary Curd, just adding more brown sugar because I like the flavour. You can find the original recipe here.

To make this you will need:

1 Cup Lemon Juice (around 6 lemons)
200g Light Brown Sugar
50g Granulated Sugar
170g Butter
45g Lemon Zest
6 Whole Eggs

1. Start by whisking the eggs gently in a bowl then addd the lemon juice and zest along with the sugar to a saucepan.

2. Get out your electric whisk (or your massive biceps) and whisk everything together over a medium-low heat.

3. Add the butter slowly while whisking until the curd is thick like custard and holds the mark of a whisk or spoon.

4. Allow to cool - the curd will thicken as it cools!

That's it! It's super easy, and amazingly delicious if you're into lemony flavours. For storage we've used a mixture of clip-top and mason jars. If stored in an airtight container, you're good to go for a couple of weeks (if you can stop yourself from eating it, that is!)


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